Was glad to make the PHP conference at Google Sydney after hassles with public transport. The night started well. Short talks spread across two rooms with groups in each room. Graham from Syd PHP was ensuring that the time frame was stuck to as some talks could of gotten interesting.
The boys from Yahoo came and gave us these very awesome pen like screw drivers with philips and flat head as well as a torch. The torch also shines directly on the screw head, so great for when you need to work on the back of a computer. The boys also held some interesting security discussions which unfortunately had to be ended for the time frame.
There was a talk on running PHP on Windows. Interesting that people are using Windows for PHP development yet deploying onto Linux more now that IIS supports PHP. So they develop into IIS on the local machine with MySQL and then delpoy onto Apache with MySQL.
At the end of the night we ended off to the pub for drinks. The night went on for a while after that with discussions on everything geeky from AS/400, PHP, Star Wars, Linux, Windows, Apple and everything else worth geeking about. Great night well planned hats off boys for making it a great unconference.