
Linux Conf 2009

I was lucky enough to attend the Linux Australia Conference at Tasmania University. Fantastic time, Hobart is beautiful and the University amazing. Took a couple of extra days to enjoy to surroundings and spent five days deep in Linux conference mode.

Alot of great talks some of the highlights where, Sugar and OLPC, Linux powered bear robot, Linux powered car demo and of course Rasmus giving his “Simple is hard” presentation. If your into PHP and web development I recommended having a read I learnt alot from the conference and think I will need to take a week of just to try to process all the new ways of doing things and technologies.

If your ever in Hobart, I recommended the Larks distillery, we did an evening Whisky tasting there with a group from Linux conference. I did not know Australia had a Whisky distillery but we do and its located in Hobart.