Inspiration Technology

MIT Museum Visit

  During our stop at Boston for Libre Planet Erle and myself decided to do the full geek tour and headed off to the MIT Museum. We were lucky enough to catch the last week of the big data exhibition. I was very happy as this exhibition was awesome and had some great pieces addressing the really important issue of the surveillance state of social media. It was one of the highlight of our visits…

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Inspiration Technology

Mozilla 15th Anniversary

Today is Mozilla’s 15th Anniversary of keeping the web open, it is an amazing story and one that was born from the browser war days. What started off as Netscape and a battle between them and Internet Explorer who did at one stage try to and won a domination battle of the web. Well from there after defeat by Microsoft, Netscape decided to open source its code… from there the Mozilla project was born. I don’t think I need to tell…

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News Technology

Your Data and Jurisdiction

For myself I have always hosted in the location of the head quarters for a company, for example an Australian Company requires Australian hosting, an international Company that has offices overseas but a head office in Australia would also require Australian hosting. Another example would be an Australian government they definetly should never be hosted outside of Australian soil… If the company is based in UK then UK hosting, American then American hosting… Why does…

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My response to Kate Lundy

I am upset about the filter stance by Labour. I have posted some comments on Kate Lundys blog however i also want to share them here. Just the first set of questions i would liked answered by Kate or Stephen or Kevin for that matter. **Post to Pia on Kate Lundys Blog I have tried to word five questions below that i believe the Australian people need to know; 1.Stephen Conroy has come out…

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Microsoft DreamSpark

As a student you are able to access the Microsoft DreamSpark Campaign. This is available for eligable University, TAFE and high school students in Australia.This is fantastic news because for the first time as a student you can have free access to Microsoft tools to install and play with at home. Check out the list of applicationsthere are restrictions of using the products for commercial code creation, academic use is allowed.

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