Inspiration Meet-Up

Online Brand discussion at GGDSYD

I recently had the pleasure of being invited to give a talk at Geek Girl Dinners in Sydney. I was excited as now I have delivered talks at Geek Girl events on both sides of the planet (achievement unlocked). The talk was about online branding and what is means to the average person.I decided to give this talk to pass across some knowledge to other geek girls about setting up an online presence. The talk…

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Inspiration News

Divine Intervention – aka Pulp Fiction

As most of you know I have not been feeling the best over the last couple of months, coughing fits and not being as active as I normally am. I have also been pushing myself to the limits trying to get a number of large Drupal projects off the ground this year and doing a lot of face to face training and knowledge sharing. Sometimes you load your plate up so much you forget about…

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Being Wrong

I was browsing on Ted tonight and came across the below, I think it is very fitting for information technology professionals. We need to be able to admit we are wrong. We need to be able to learn from our peers and contribute. Everything needs a champion however a true Champion admits that they are wrong sometimes and takes on the input of others. Kathryn says; “When we come across someone who disagrees with us…

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Tim Berners-lee

I was lucky enough to see <a href=” present at the keynote for Over the Air on Saturday. He gave a very casual informal speech about the internet where it is headed, the importance of semantic web, the need for all people to have equal access to information. It was inspiring and I was lucky enough to be sitting up close with a perfect view of the man who invented HTML. Later that day I…

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