
Linux Conf 2011

Another fine Linux Conference, this year held in sunny Brisbane. Although it was not to sunny having seen floods that created one of the largest natural disasters that Australia has ever seen. This said I and others where skeptical of not the conference organizers ability to pull off the conference but more the infrastructures ability to as a flood ripped through the University campus that the conference was going to be held on. On the…

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EdLambda meet-up

The meet-up was in Malones Irish Pub in Edinburgh EdLambda meet-up page. There was quite a large turn-out I belive at least 20 people. We soon took over a large part of the pub and discussions on functional programming where to be had all around. Was a great night meet some interesting people and had some heavy programming chats. Funny enough I was not the only Drupalista Jonathan from Blue droplet came along to the…

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Drupal Camp Melbourne

Was lucky enough to get myself down to Melbourne for the weekend to attend Melbourne Drupal Camp. Had a great time and was really pleased with the quality of talks presented on the day. Lonely planet talked on there use of Druapl which was great for me as I have recently started working on the SunCorp Drupal pilot project with thoughtworks. Great discussions on theming Drupal and the community where we are going what we…

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Linux Conf 2009

I was lucky enough to attend the Linux Australia Conference at Tasmania University. Fantastic time, Hobart is beautiful and the University amazing. Took a couple of extra days to enjoy to surroundings and spent five days deep in Linux conference mode. Alot of great talks some of the highlights where, Sugar and OLPC, Linux powered bear robot, Linux powered car demo and of course Rasmus giving his “Simple is hard” presentation. If your into PHP…

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Open Education Workshop 2008

On November 21 there was the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Conference, Education held at Macquarie University. As normal i rocked up late, not to late but missed the morning introductions. Enjoyed the morning talk on LAMS and its use for facilitating open education. There was also a discussion from DET about how they are trying to use open software to facilitate teacher collaboration. There was opposition present from TAFE teachers who believe management are…

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Drupal Camp

The first Drupal Camp Australia happened with great success. The venue was booked out and rooms where overflowing. The Australian Learning and Teaching Council proudly sponsored Lunch for the event. People had traveled from all around Australia and New Zealand. There was two rooms with the streams split across both rooms. The facility was fantastic great catering provided (thanks Australian Learning Teaching Council and Cochlear). I learnt alot from the day and was fantastic to…

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