Linux Tutorials

Fedora DNF update issues with Google-Chrome

I have been having a hard time trying to update Fedora22 and came across a known bug What happens is when DNF fails on a transaction it aborts the update and remove alls the downloaded files, aka if you just downloaded 720updates at 1.1GB and one of them has a transaction failure then when you go to try the update again it will re-download the files. The recommendation was to modify the dnf.conf file…

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OSCON Portland the last one for a while

Sadly this year will be the last Portland OSCON for abit :/ next year it seems we are heading to Austin, Texas Convention Centre. At the moment the grape vine is that it will be there for at least two years. Whilst I enjoy Austin and glad to ssee the Open Source love spread to a start-up hotbed and share the knowledge, I am going to miss Portland. I love going to Portland to catch…

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Linux Tutorials

Fedora 22 Beta initial thoughts

So I downloaded Fedora 22 beta upon release and decided to install it on my Aienware which has been having problems with some drivers under earlier releases. I am also keen to see the new UI change and improvements to Gnome integrations (Self Confessed Gnome FanGirl). Not to much I did different then a base install, I partitioned my drives to mount / and /home in separate partitions. The main reason behind doing this is…

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LinuxConf 2015 – Auckland, NZ

So after presenting FireFoxOS talk at LinuxCon Chicago and getting an overwhelming good response I decided to put the talk forward for LinuxConf Australia. So I got accepted for the talk at LinuxConf Australia which was awesome and a humbling experience. This year (2015) it was in Auckland, New Zealand and yes I had never been to New Zealand before apart from a short stop over on the way home from Canada. So I was…

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Solution Design for NSW State Library

So I arrived back in Sydney to a choice of some pretty big Web Integration projects, and I decided to work with NSW State Library as a Technical Project Lead for the Website Online Systems Integration Project (WOSIP) under the Digital Excellence Project (DEP). Digital Excellence Project at the NSW State Library The project will encompass the solution design for the Online Web Portal which will be the public gateway to access all of the…

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Working At Mozilla

So I relocated across to Portland and started working on the User Advocacy team for FireFoxOS Support. My main tasks where to help bring some technical expertise to the team to help them build a set of tools for their reporting. My time with Mozilla in Portland was short and during that time I got to get a lot achieved with a main achievement leading the push to have non english content translated. This…

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