
webpack Stats Data

If you have not heard of or used webpack stats data command before then it is time to take a look into it. The command generates a JSON file which contains detailed information and statistics about the modules used within the application. Stats Data command is an invaluable tool to try to understand and analyse an applications dependencies graph which is the most handy tool we can have when doing any deep level application debugging.…

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JavaScript Debugging

I thought I would put together some small notes around debugging Javascript in the Browser. Linters Yes Linters have nothing to do with the browser, however to discuss JavaScript Debugging in 2019 it is impossible not to start with Linters. Why Linters? Well for starters when I started coding for the web there was nothing like linters that existed. This meant that alot of your errors where simple ones that could have been picked up…

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Custom Block Types for WordPress Gutenberg

Recent big news in WordPress has been around the new release of the new Block Editor for Gutenberg. In Gutenberg we now lay our pages out by adding blocks for the type of content /layout/feature we want displayed on the page. Gutenberg comes with a stack of default blocks for adding text, media, layout etc however there are many times when we will want to create out own blocktypes. Key thing to note is that…

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Inspiration Technology

MIT Museum Visit

  During our stop at Boston for Libre Planet Erle and myself decided to do the full geek tour and headed off to the MIT Museum. We were lucky enough to catch the last week of the big data exhibition. I was very happy as this exhibition was awesome and had some great pieces addressing the really important issue of the surveillance state of social media. It was one of the highlight of our visits…

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