
PHP Mini Conf at OSDC 2011

So finally we had the PHP Mini Conf at Open Source Developers Conference. We had a good line up of talks and a really great turn out of people. To give people an opportunity to present I added some time at the end for lightning talks which was great as we had a couple of people get up and present their latest PHP project that they are working on. The response we got back was really…

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PHP MiniConf Scedule Released

The OSDC PHP Mini Conference has been released. I am pretty happy with the talks as I feel it covers a good range of PHP in a short time frame. Feel the mini conference is coming together quite nicely and hopefully will provide the community with a networking opportunity and interesting information. I decided to open the last twenty minutes for lighting talks. Hopefully will get some people to jump up and give a…

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Hello Drupal

So last night was the first meet-up we had for Learning Drupal Sydney, at Demonz Media in Surry Hills, NSW, Australia Demonz Media were also kind enough to donate some beers and pizza on top of the training space. Which was great as it took a load of my plate. The plan taken with Learning Drupal Sydney was to use the first three meetings to get some key understandings of Drupal across. When deciding…

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Lesons learnt from “That Request”

My final response to the Beauty and the Geek email saga as I am labeling it. I will be attending future Geek Girl events and will continue to support it however I also think that lessons need to be learnt as we all learn lessons in life to make us better people. I believe the main issue‚ here fall under two categories; 1. the use of the word ‚reward‚ as pointed out by Amaya aka…

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Beauty, the Geek and “that” request

I recently received a request through Geek Girls asking if I wanted to take part in a Geek Girl event on TV. Little known to be it was for the Beauty and the Geek show in Australia (, a show which I feels increases the negative stereotype of both male and female geeks. I have included below my comment and feelings that I posted on I will add to the below that I do…

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Refunds oh the joy of them

The problem with being un-well at the moment is proving to be the lack of support for refunds. I will be contacting companies tonight and expecting to have my DrupalCon tickets and training refunded however the airlines could be a pain. I would understand on normal circumstances not being able to refund or credit however for a unforeseen medical condition I would not expect that to be treated the same as a normal flight cancellation…

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