
Blockchain Trends and Predictions 2021

I was privliged enough to be able to sit on the panel for blockchain trend discussion with Blockchain Professionals Sydney. The talk was great and the recording audio gets better sorry for the first bit of low quality but it picks up. It was so good to be back in real life meetings and catch up with everyone. The discussion covered an array of topics and we spoke about CBDC, NFT, Meme Trading, Retail Trading…

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Installing Apache Server on Ubuntu on Windows 10

Just some notes I wrote down when installing Apache Server running in the Ubuntu subsystem on Windows 10. This will assume that you have already got Ubuntu up and running on Windows. If you have not installed Ubuntu visit Start up Ubuntu; which will open a terminal. Typing sudo -i at the start will eliminate the need to type it for the rest of the commands. *If you don’t do sudo -i it just means you need to…

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Linux Tutorials

Ubuntu files on Windows 10

Where does Ubuntu File system live? After you install the Ubuntu package on Windows 10 it is not that easy to locate where the file system is living. The subsystem acts differently to a traditional virtual machine where you can control locations upon initial config. But because it is a subsystem the integration with Windows and the filesystem is seamless and takes alot of the pain out of setting up a virtual machine and way…

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Linux Tutorials

Virtual Sites – Apache Ubuntu Windows 10

Apache is up and running. Now we need to set-up multiple sites (virtual hosts) on Apache2. Below we walk through a baseline vhost file and set-up. Edit the apache config file, I am a huge fan of nano, but you can easily use vim or another. If you new to text editors in Linux Nano is a nice simple easy to use interface Add the below lines to the bottom of the conf file. For…

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Overview of React

React is really easily explained as a JS library for creating User Interfaces, so React is always just part of your technology stack. React is really good at building single page apps but unlike Angular you need to add libraries to React such as React Router to handle routing. JSX React is written in JSX so due to not all browsers supporting it we need to include babel which is used to compile the JSX…

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