Inspiration Meet-Up

Online Brand discussion at GGDSYD

I recently had the pleasure of being invited to give a talk at Geek Girl Dinners in Sydney. I was excited as now I have delivered talks at Geek Girl events on both sides of the planet (achievement unlocked). The talk was about online branding and what is means to the average person.I decided to give this talk to pass across some knowledge to other geek girls about setting up an online presence. The talk…

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Drupal DownUnder 2012

I was completely blown away with Drupal DownUnder this year. The organisation was spot on and the conference ran smoothly. There was also a large increase seeing an extra 100 people come through the doors then in 2011 Brisbane. There was also a good number of non developer types at 2012. There were some concerns that in 2011 the audience was mainly developers which was bound to happen in some ways with it being the…

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Conference Tutorials

DDU Theming and Inheritance Talk

Had the pleasure of being chosen to deliver a talk at Drupal DownUnder 2012. I was really pleased to deliver the talk and had a great turn-out and some interesting questions. I also received some feedback from a designer who said they enjoyed the talk but would like some more design centric talks. The talk aimed to cover new template changes in Drupal7 and also give some flow charts for theme inheritance. The talk was…

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Seems Android is “attracting” Women

“Was not happy with this article today,… mainly the comment, “”Telsyte was seeing ‚all sorts‚of people buying Android devices or saying that they wanted to buy Android devices, Mr Fadaghi said. They’re not just nerdy males. We’re seeing a lot more females attracted to Android for the fact that [Android] devices have a lot of different looks and form factors. [They’re] a little bit more personalised than just the standard iPhone. Ok so the…

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News Technology

Your Data and Jurisdiction

For myself I have always hosted in the location of the head quarters for a company, for example an Australian Company requires Australian hosting, an international Company that has offices overseas but a head office in Australia would also require Australian hosting. Another example would be an Australian government they definetly should never be hosted outside of Australian soil… If the company is based in UK then UK hosting, American then American hosting… Why does…

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