
Meeting Raspberry Pi Maker

At the Turing Festival in Edinburgh I attended the start-up after party. It was great had been 2years since I had been in Edinburgh so seeing so many faces was awesome got to catch up with a couple of old friends and also got to meet Eben Upton from Raspberry Pi and have a quick chat about licensing, Open Source, OLPC and there next steps. Was a real honour meeting him as I had watched…

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Young Rewired State Finals

10 to 12 August So the week was a success and the teams headed down to Birmingham to present there ideas. The Friday was spent locked up in rooms practicing their presentations and then finally presenting to a group of judges who would pick the winners for the Saturday presentation. The Saturday presentation was huge there was about 500 people or more packed into the hall which was lit up with amazing sculptures and LED lighting effects. The winners…

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Drupal meet-up Manchester

7 September So I took the Virgin fast train down to Manchester to visit Paul Johnson to attend the Manchester UK Drupal meet-up and to discuss Drupal con Sydney Social Media Lead responsibilities. The trip down was great as I had¬†received¬†a first class ticket from Virgin due to the problems with the Glasgow to London train. Comfortable ride, nice food and great wifi. I stayed at an old hotel near the train lines. It reminded…

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Learning Sydney Career Night

“11 July Thank you all for attending the Drupal as a Career, Drupal as a Business night. The night recived great reviews and provided insightful tips about how people started their careers and also about the larger Drupal eco-system. I have been asked to provide a link to the presentations on the night and belive drupal.org is a better place to share this information then just on meet-up.com. From feedback it seems the structure of…

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Steve Jobs Video Links

“Recently stumbled across a bunch of old Steve Jobs… Disregarding the obvious downsides to the man, I do enjoy these videos and see them as a part of IT History… It will be interesting to watch what happens to Apple and the Cult of Mac now he has passed? Rare footage of Steve Jobs in 1980 This is amazing this one here he basically paints the picture for the future of personal computing. In 1980…

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