
Brighton Maker Faire

9 September So I raced back from the Manchester Drupal meet-up to head off to Brighton Maker Faire. We got there the night before to go down to the set-up to meet some friends and see who was around. When I walked it the door I was greeted by Andy Piper “Oh your here with your¬†enthusiasm¬†go grab a volunteer t-shirt and a beer” and ¬†with that I was volunteering. My first job was setting up…

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Preapring for Open Source Developers Conf

After nearly 12months of planning, losing more then half of the volunteer staff I had due to everything from illness, to work commitments to disagreements with the OSDC Camp board as in all good Open Source projects. At the end of the day it came down to three of us Myself doing most things lol Peter Bui taking care of an amazing dinner and Ben Dechari handling sponsorship.

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Turing Festival – Edinburgh

23 – 25 August I was excited to be heading back from DrupalCon to the Turing festival,¬†unfortunately¬†due to date cross overs I was unable to attend the earlier part of the festival however we were able to make some dates. I took my friend @pimunchers along with me to the festival as its always nice to have another ubergeek around to bounce tech ideas from. We were able to make it to a legal discussion…

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News Software

Mozilla OS >> It is no longer a pipe dream

“I have been following MozillaOS for awhile now but this week I got to meet some people in Mozilla HQ in London who were responsible for pushig it forward. I can not tell you how excited I was. I have been watching this project since its announcement as I feel that it will be a real game changer for the Mobile Marketpace. Why do I think this? There are a couple of reasons that I…

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DrupalCon Munich

20 to 24th August So another year another DrupalCon 😀 Was so happy to have made it back to Europe for DrupalCon after getting sick last year it was great to be able to attend again. There was so many old faces makes you realise how long you have been around the community. The conference was great keynote from Dries as usual was an interesting look at what is coming up in the next little…

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