Blockchain Conference

BitCoin Conference London Documentary

The small documentary that was made on one of the most amazing conferences I have been able to be involved in. This was not just a conference this was a start of something larger a start of a questioning of what it is that we call an economic system that seems to degrade so many of us. What if? Why not ask what if? wheter you feel the same way as people on the documentary…

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Geek Girls Dinner London 7th Aniversary

So arriving in London one of the first things I do is contact Geek Girl Dinners to see what is going on.. When I did I was happy to hear that they were looking for some people to talk. I was given the option of something serious related for Facebook HQ night or something light hearted and funny for the anniversary night. As I don’t normally do the funny thing I decided to go with…

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DrupalCon Sydney 2013

As you might have heard at the DrupalCon Munich this year it was announced that there will be a DrupalCon in Sydney. This is the first time that DrupalCon will be in the Asia Pacific Area, some are talking about will this mean a continued yearly presence for the DrupalCon in Asia Pacific? This question I wish was a yes but as it stands the current DruaplCon in Sydney is aligned with Acquia launch into…

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Blockchain Conference

BitCoin Conference

14 to 16 September Well like organising all conferences there is alot of work that goes in, and this one was no exception. The thing that made this conference different is that is aimed to be so much… It aimed to be something that presented BitCoin as well as other ideas that help to question society as we know it. I would of called this a futurist conference, why? Because everyone there helped to raise the question…

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Symfony training day London

13th September I attended the symfony training day in London to learn some of the goodness that seems to be symfony in the PHP world. The training was great for 150 pound I was able to spend awhole day learning about creating some basic tasks in symfony from framework structure, to project set-up and templating. The best place to start for understanding Symfony is with the cookbook This will take you through the basics…

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