
DrupalCon Sydney & that #hashtag

Well DrupalCon Sydney went off with a bang and was a fantastic event. I ran around for the large part of it performing my role as Social Media Lead. My role was made harder by the fact that there was a consorted spam attack on the @DrupalCon account which seemed to be coming from a small group of people. This was not occurring because the #DrupalCon was trending. The good news is we managed to…

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Linux Conf Canberra

30 January – 1 Febaury Another year another LinuxConf… lol that has become my saying since 2009 🙂 this years LinuxConf was great the location was fantastic and managed once again to get myself a room at the student accommodation which is something I recommended. Why student accommodation  you ask well because that really is where all the cool cats hang so in the evenings there is always groups of people around and little pop-up hack…

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CMS Expo night

4 December CMS Expo night was held at the King St Brewhouse last night as part of Open Source Developers Conference. The evening started with drinks and food and then followed with a series of talks. The line-up for the talks was; “”Accelerate your Agency on Windows Azure”” – Cory Fowler - Microsoft “”Why Drupal”” – Owen Lansbury – Previous Next – DrupalCon Lead Organiser “”Looking Good and Making Money with Drupal”” (Drupal Commerce Case Study)…

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Open Source Developers Conference Sydney

4 to 6th December So finally the days arrived… and Open Source Conference 2012 (first with a lead female organiser) went off fantastically with some hitches but to all around a great success with happy attendees. Welcome we have no Lanyards The conference started and the lanyards were late, the t-shirts were picked up just after the opening and some of the UTS recommended WIFI connection user names and passwords did not work… But all and all…

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