Mobile Software

Zepto.js >> The Mozilla alternative to JQuery for Mobiles

Now with this title I am not saying that you should throw away JQuery etc… not at all… Lord knows I never will. But Mozilla has created a lighter version of JQuery to assist with Mozilla OS development and mobile HTML5 app development in general. When you download Mortar to have a play you will notice it is included. I am playing with Mortar and it is a great kit to get your started with HTML5…

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VIP IEEE Open Web Party

9th March So today Barry Teoh and myself went to a speech about Open Web Standards with Tim Berners Lee, IEEE and Adobe on what they are doing to push open web forward…. I had an interesting discussion with Adobe about there stance on Open Web which I did not think was too aligned with what Tim and IEEE are doing. The meeting was good though and it was interesting as it was a small…

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SXSW finally I made it to one

March 8 – 17 So after the last couple of years of going oh next year… next year ill make it… I decided to make sure that 2013 was my first SXSW, and wow what a ride… Thanks to Barry Teoh who allowed me to stay with him at his accommodation which sure did take a-load off as most of the accommodation around town sells out before the tickets do. So my advice if your planning on going which you should do atleast…

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Geeksphone >> Mozilla Developer Phone preview

Found out about company who will be offering Mozilla Dev phones for around $100 euro or so I hear? Either way rumors are they are not expected to exceed the $200 mark. For now I have signed up for the list and they will email you once the first batch is ready for sale. Not the best news I know as this does not allow us to play around any sooner, however if you are…

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