
bitcoin podcast

The other day I was interviewed for a pod cast about BitCoin and its current roller coaster ride on the exchange. In the past few months we have seen the price of one BitCoin move from around $30 to up to highs of $200.. The current rise started around the same time as the Geek Crisis which is not in-coincidental. If you are unaware at what happened, basically the government came in and said they…

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Inspiration Technology

Mozilla 15th Anniversary

Today is Mozilla’s 15th Anniversary of keeping the web open, it is an amazing story and one that was born from the browser war days. What started off as Netscape and a battle between them and Internet Explorer who did at one stage try to and won a domination battle of the web. Well from there after defeat by Microsoft, Netscape decided to open source its code… from there the Mozilla project was born. I don’t think I need to tell…

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15 things I love about the Web

To celebrate Mozilla’s 15th Anniversary “”15 things I love about the web”” I created my own webpage talking about the 15 things I love about the web, using the great project thimble from Mozilla a cool little tool and awesome to help show kids how easy it is to make and publish their own web page¬† Make your own using Thimble another Awesome Mozilla web tool  

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Autism Hackathon Seattle

March 22 to 24th Had been waiting for this weekend for awhile, most people who know me know the advocacy and support I give to Autism and Asperger. There has never been a specific hack day for Autism and after the SXSW Autism Apps panel I was pumped for some development. The introductory night went well and Michal from MIT told us all about his new Open Source project for story building and recent research…

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Project Oh for Kinect – Autism HackDay

So as mentioned we built a project on the Kinect which helped to teach kids emotion through the use of the Kinect sensor. The project was a game called Oh! and consisted of three levels; Ask kids to match the picture card of an emotion to the one being shown, “”Can you match the emotion”” Ask kids to pronounce the emotion, “”This is a happy face can you say happy”” Ask kids to make the…

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Playing with Windows Surface

“I was lucky enough to be handed a Windows8 RT Surface to play with. It is a great tablet one that unlike the Ipad I have been able to actually perform work tasks on. While RT is still limited in the sense that you can not store Desktop applications on it unlike the Windows8 Surface Pro the main navigation and use of Metro Apps remains the same between the two. I like the fact that…

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