

If you want to contact me via irc my main handle is aimee_maree and I can be found on freenode server, most times on #debian or #fedora Two irc clients I recommend; Pidgin > More User friendly nice GUI  (both for Linux and PC) for security you will need to add encryption ISSI > Command Line based highly secure not as User friendly as Pidgin but ultra fast and secure  (both for Linux and PC)…

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Linux Tutorials

AlienWare and Linux Drivers

This year I purchased an AlienWare MX14… I have waited for one for along time and well this one is lovely… dual hard drives one 32GB SSD and another 1TB SATA drive… Two Video Cards… 32GB of RAM capacity… Three Monitor plugs yes I said three, HDMI, VGA, Mini Display Port… anyways drooling time over and to get to the nitty gritty… I love Linux (shock there right) and whilst I was happy to have…

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PHPBB If statements

Currently working on a PHPBB project for a client, thought I would take the time to explain all the if statements used for PHPBB. These are great to add into your style (A Style is a theme/templateĀ in PHPBB) You can add these in to help provide additional information to users / guests / admins etc. It also allows you to provide a more customised message to your users. Once example where I have used them…

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Currently undertaking an Information Technology Degree in Honours by Research with Southern Cross University. The chosen area of study is Web Site Navigation looking specifically at how distraction on a website can effect a persons uptake of information. During the months of August/September/October i ran an online game experiment on the data from the experiment has been analysed an a thesis and industry paper is being prepared. The expected release dates for the thesis…

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Open Source Software

Why I use open source code Because it is not about re-inventing previous concepts but utilising and improving upon proven concepts. Therefore reducing the time it takes to simply get it working and spend that time on making it suit the business needs. What about Intellectual Property? As a business you can ask yourself, do you want the cost associated with maintaining and developing your own framework or technology? When technology always changes and is…

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